You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.2. File - Debtor > File - Debtor - Debtor

File - Debtor - Debtor

To edit debtor details:

  1. Add a new debtor or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Debtor" or "Updating a Debtor".

    Micronet displays the Debtor File Update screen - Debtor tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Debtors Number

Micronet displays the debtor number for existing debtors.

If you are creating a new debtor and Micronet has been set up to generate automatic debtor numbers, this field displays AUTO and the next available debtor number displays in the Next Number field. Select the Take Next button to take the next number for this debtor. (Automatic debtor numbers are set in the Automatic Debtor Numbers field on the Debtors Configuration screen – see "Edit - Program - Debtors".)

If Micronet is not set up for automatic debtor numbers, enter a unique number for the new debtor based on your company's debtor numbering conventions. Make sure there are no trailing spaces in the debtor number.



To change a debtor's number, see "Maintenance - Other Maintenance - Change Debtors".



Debtors Name

Micronet displays the debtor's name for existing debtors. For new debtors, enter the debtor's name. This name is printed on invoices, picking slips and other relevant documents.

Additional unlimited text can also be entered against a debtor on the Debtor File Update screen - Text tab – see "File - Debtor - Text".



Technical Tip

There is a handy feature you can use when you want users to replace the current debtor with a different one. If you type the word "Use" at the start of the debtor name followed by another debtor number, Micronet will replace the current debtor with the second one whenever a user enters the current debtor number. For example, if you change a debtor name from "ABC" to "Use DEF", whenever a user enters ABC when searching for a debtor, Micronet will replace it with debtor DEF.



Postal Address 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Enter up to five lines of address details for the debtor, e.g. unit number, street address, suburb and state.

Note that you can store multiple delivery addresses, phone/contact details and default freight costs against each debtor account using the Debtor File Update screen - Delivery tab – see "File - Debtor - Delivery".


Nearest Cross Road

Enter the nearest cross road for the debtor’s address.


Post Code

Enter the debtor’s postcode.


Phone Number

Enter the customer’s phone number.


Fax Number

Enter the customer’s fax number.


EFax Address

2.8 Feature

If your company has a UTBox account, and this debtor wants to receive their invoices, statements and reports by fax, enter the debtor’s fax number. You must add "" after the fax number, e.g.

For information on setting up a UTBox account, contact your Micronet account manager.


Mobile Number

Enter the customer’s mobile number.


Work Number

Enter the customer’s work number.



Enter the name of the customer’s main contact.


Sales Territory

Enter the customer's default sales territory if required, or press Tab or Enter to select a sales territory. This allows grouping of customers into sales territories or regions for reporting and analysis.


Central Account

If this debtor has a central account, enter the central debtor. This might apply, for example, to a local debtor with a central head office. The central account is the account to which invoices are sent.

A central account must exist as a normal debtor’s account before it can be used.

If you set or change the central account on a debtor and transactions already exist for the debtor, you will be prompted to update those transactions. Selecting Yes to the prompt updates posted transactions like invoices and payments. It also updates unposted transactions including picking slips, paperless slips, quotes and held invoices.


Default Salesperson

Enter the number of the default salesperson for this customer. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a salesperson. Micronet displays the salesperson’s name.

2.8 Feature

If the salesperson you want does not appear in the list of salespeople, it is probably because they have been made inactive – see "File - Salesperson - Sales Person".


Discount Matrix

Enter the default discount matrix for this debtor. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a discount matrix.



Enter the default class for this debtor. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a class.

This field gives you an alternative means of grouping customers for reporting/inquiries.


Price Group

Select the default price group for this customer:

  • Price Group 1 – this is generally used for wholesale customers
  • Price Group 2 – this is generally used for retail customers.

Pricing is retrieved during invoicing from the Inventory master file based on this price group.

The prices for these price groups are setup on the Item Update screen - Sell Price tab – see "File - Inventory - Sell Price".


Tax Number

Micronet displays TAXABLE in this field. This applies to all customers liable to pay GST or sales tax. The following exceptions apply:

  • if the customer wants to provide a standing tax number that is applicable for a given period of time, enter that number
  • if the customer is an export customer (where you are exporting products), enter EXPORT in this field to prevent Micronet from adding GST to invoice sales value, and to ensure Micronet posts correctly to GST reports.

Any entry in the tax number field other than TAXABLE is treated as GST exempt.



Technical Tip

If the Tax Number field is set to EXPORT, the sales dissection in the GL Interface automatically overrides and sets a BAS flag of Sales to Exports (G2). Separate GL integration is not necessary for export sales.



Default Price

Select the default sell price break for this customer. Micronet displays this default as the sell price during invoicing.


Run Number

If you have set up standing orders for this debtor, enter the default customer run number.

For more information on standing orders, see "Sales - Standing Orders".


Credit Limit

Enter the customer’s credit limit.

If this debtor is a central account, the credit limit you enter here applies to all "child" accounts. For example, if you enter a credit limit of $10,000 on the central account and one child account spends $8000 and another spends $2000, the credit limit will be reached.

Any credit limit you enter on the "child" accounts will be ignored.


Balance Type

Select the customer’s balance type. Options are:

  • Open Item – Open Item debtors retain details of each transaction on the account until a cash payment, credit note or journal balances that transaction to zero. During the End of Month procedure, all balanced transactions are removed.
  • Balance Forward – Balance Forward debtors retain details of transactions on the account only during the current month. During the End of Month procedure, all transaction details are cleared from the account and the balance brought forward. The Aged Trial Balance printed with transactions prior to the End of Month procedure provides details of these cleared transactions for easy reference.



Enter the number of days by which invoices must be paid.


Allow B/O

Select Yes if backorders are allowed for this customer, or No if they are not.


GL Interface

If you want to dissect sales/stock/debtors by customer, enter the name of the GL interface record for this customer.

For more information on setting up GL interface records for the General Ledger, see "Setting up Micronet Integration".


T Account

If you are using T accounts within MGL, assign the default details for this customer.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.
  1. Optionally, update orders held on file for this customer by selecting EDIT | UPDATE ORDERS.

Refer to "Debtor File Update Screen - Menu Options".